Welcome to the Brand New
Guns Classifieds Network Forums
We’ve had a lot of requests over the last 10+ years to incorporate a full-featured forum platform into the network. This has been on our “Road Map” for a long time and we decided to go ahead and take the plunge! We hope you enjoy the new forums.
Register your account and start creating topics today!
- Site, Support and Suggestions
- Topics
- Last Post
Welcome to the Forums!
The recently launched GCN Forums is for everything outdoors. Note that we have both national forums as well as individual state-specific forums (scroll down for the State forums).
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- Welcome to the Brand New Guns Classifieds Network Forums! 10/13/2023
Forum Announcements
This is where you will find all announcements related specifically to the forums. This includes planned maintenance, update notices, new forums, etc.
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- New Forum Created: 3D Printing 10/18/2023
Give Us Your Suggestions
Have a new feature idea you would like to share? Want to request a new forum? Give us your suggestions here.
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- We Want to Hear From You! 10/13/2023
Help and Support
Get in touch here with any issues you are having, and for your technical questions about the forums and/or the Guns Classifieds Network.
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- Need Assistance With Anything? Let Us Know. 10/13/2023
Welcome to the Forums!
- General Discussion Forums
- Topics
- Last Post
Business, Advertising, Investing
Discussions about business, advertising, and investing in the outdoors-industry.
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- Guns Classifieds Network – Business Advertising 10/18/2023
Goldcorp PMC
Discussions about GOLDCORP, merch announcements, events, etc.
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- Legitimate Goldcorp Merch Sources 01/18/2024
Discussions about legal matters.
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- Reply To: ATF Rule 2022R-17 05/16/2024
Off-Topic (Open) Discussion
Discussions about most anything (keep it clean and respect others).
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- Gun rights group scam 05/11/2024
Discussions about politics.
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- The BATF secret records 11/24/2023
World Events
Discussions about events including terrorism, natural disasters, and conflicts.
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- No Topics
Business, Advertising, Investing
- Firearm Related Forums
- Topics
- Last Post
3D Printing
Discussions about 3d printing.
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- New to 3D Printing – Recommended Printer? 10/18/2023
Ammunition and Reloading
Discussions about ammunition and reloading.
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- No Topics
Curio and Relic (C&R), Antiques
Discussions about curio and relic (C&R) and antique firearms.
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- No Topics
Firearms-Related News
Post your news for anything that's firearms related.
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- No Topics
Firearms-Related Reviews
Post your detailed reviews for anything that's firearms related.
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- No Topics
Gunsmithing and DIY
Discussions about gunsmithing and do-it-yourself (DIY) builds.
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- No Topics
NFA and Class III
Discussions about regulated firearms and items under the National Firearms Act (NFA), and Class III licensed.
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- No Topics
Parts and Accessories
Discussions about parts and accessories including optics, gun parts, and accessories.
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- No Topics
Pistols, Revolvers, Handguns
Discussions about pistols, revolvers, and other handguns.
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- Best .22LR Suppressor Host PISTOL? 10/20/2023
Rifles, Carbines, Long Guns
Discussions about rifles, carbines, and other long-guns.
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- Best .22LR Suppressor Host RIFLE? 10/21/2023
Safes, Storage, Security
Discussions about protecting your gear and your place of storage.
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- No Topics
Discussions about shotguns and other scatterguns.
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- No Topics
Training and Tactics
Discussions about training, certifications, CCW, and tactics.
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- Reply To: Best Camo to IFF? 10/20/2023
3D Printing
- Outdoors Related Forums
- Topics
- Last Post
Discussions about camping including backcountry, RV, and glamping.
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- No Topics
Discussions about fishing including gear, favorite spots, licensing, opportunities, etc.
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- No Topics
Discussions about hiking including trail information, favorite places, and reviews.
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- No Topics
Discussions about hunting including big and small game, gear, licensing, opportunities, etc.
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- No Topics
Prepping and Survival
Discussions about prepping and survival.
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- No Topics
- State-Specific Forums
- Topics
- Last Post
Topics specifically related to the state of Alabama.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsAlabama.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Alaska.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsAlaska.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Arizona.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsArizona.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Arkansas.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsArkansas.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of California.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsCalifornia.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Colorado.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsColorado.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Connecticut.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Delaware.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsDelaware.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Florida.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsFlorida.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Georgia.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsGeorgia.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Hawaii.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsHawaii.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Idaho.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsIdaho.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Illinois.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsIllinois.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Indiana.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsIndiana.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Iowa.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Kansas.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsKansas.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Kentucky.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsKentucky.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Louisiana.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsLouisiana.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Maine.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMaine.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Maryland.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMaryland.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Massachusetts.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMassachusetts.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Michigan.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMichigan.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Minnesota.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMinnesota.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Mississippi.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMississippi.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Missouri.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsMissouri.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Montana.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Nebraska.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsNebraska.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Nevada.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsNevada.com 10/14/2023
New Hampshire
Topics specifically related to the state of New Hampshire.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
New Jersey
Topics specifically related to the state of New Jersey.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsNewJersey.com 10/14/2023
New Mexico
Topics specifically related to the state of New Mexico.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsNewMexico.com 10/14/2023
New York
Topics specifically related to the state of New York.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
North Carolina
Topics specifically related to the state of North Carolina.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsNorthCarolina.com 10/14/2023
North Dakota
Topics specifically related to the state of North Dakota.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsNorthDakota.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Ohio.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsOhio.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Oklahoma.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsOklahoma.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Oregon.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Pennsylvania.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsPennsylvania.com 10/14/2023
Rhode Island
Topics specifically related to the state of Rhode Island.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsRhodeIsland.com 10/14/2023
South Carolina
Topics specifically related to the state of South Carolina.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsSouthCarolina.com 10/14/2023
South Dakota
Topics specifically related to the state of South Dakota.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsSouthDakota.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Tennessee.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsTennessee.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Texas.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Utah.
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- No Local Classifieds Yet: Working On It 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Vermont.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsVermont.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Virginia.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsVirginia.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Washington.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsWashington.com 10/14/2023
West Virginia
Topics specifically related to the state of West Virginia.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsWestVirginia.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Wisconsin.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsWisconsin.com 10/14/2023
Topics specifically related to the state of Wyoming.
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- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS SITE: GunsWyoming.com 10/14/2023